Water Vole Mitigation for a Power Cable near Grayingham, Lincolnshire

water vole mitigation

Udall-Martin Associates provided on-site mitigation works for water vole at a ditch where a power cable was to be laid. This involved a destructive search of numerous water vole burrows by hand along a stretch of ditch, which enabled the immediate removal of bank-side vegetation by machinery under the supervision of ecologists. This involved close co-operation and good communication with site contractors.

Work conducted for an environmental company in 2009.

Water Vole Mitigation:

Udall-Martin Associates have plenty of experience with both on-site and off-site mitigation. We and our associates hold Natural England survey licences for many protected species, including Water Voles.

We offer a high quality service at a competitive rate. Please contact us regarding any project, large or small. We will be happy to discuss your requirements and provide a quote.

Email: susie@umassociates.co.uk
Telephone: 01684 540695