We have the capability and experience to carry out a wide range of ecological surveys following standard methodologies including habitat and species surveys:
- Phase-1 habitat surveys
- Extended Phase-1 habitat surveys
- Ecological walk-over surveys
- Hedgerow surveys and assessment
- Protected species surveys (see Protected Species Work)
- Botanical surveys (higher and lower plants)
- Invasive plant surveys (including Japanese knotweed and giant hogweed)
- Invertebrate surveys (aquatic and terrestrial)
The Ecological Survey Process
For a proposed development site firstly an initial Extended Phase-1 habitat survey or ecological walk-over survey is carried out providing information on habitat types present and the potential presence of protected species. Such surveys underpin any ecological assessment/ appraisal of a site and provide an early warning of the potential ecological issues that need to be considered. Further Phase-2 surveys (including protected species, hedgerow assessment and plants) may be required, depending on the individual site.
It is essential that all ecological surveys are carried out by suitably qualified and experienced personnel and at the most appropriate time of year. All our ecological surveyors are skilled, experienced and members of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (IEEM). All ecological surveys follow standard methodologies.
Many ecological surveys are best carried out or can only be carried out at certain times of year (see our Ecological Surveys Timetable).