Udall-Martin Associates completed an ecological assessment comprising an Extended Phase-1 habitat survey and desk study. We identified potential habitat for great crested newt and reptiles.
To enable preliminary site investigation works to proceed during the winter prior to the Phase-2 surveys being carried out we produced a Mitigation Method Statement detailing working methods and safe working practices to avoid adverse impacts to these species. This involved close liaison with the County Ecologist, Natural England (Derbyshire and Peal District local team) and Council engineers. We carried out on-site mitigation works involving mowing and strimming grassland areas to make the habitat unsuitable for the species.
Conducted for a local authority in 2010.
Protected Species Mitigation:
Udall-Martin Associates have plenty of experience with both on-site and off-site mitigation. We and our associates hold Natural England survey licences for many protected species, including water voles, reptiles, badgers, otters, white-clawed crayfish, and many more.
We offer a high quality service at a competitive rate. Please contact us regarding any project, large or small. We will be happy to discuss your requirements and provide a quote.
Email: susie@umassociates.co.uk
Telephone: 01684 540695