Udall-Martin Associates assisted with a European Protected Species (EPS) mitigation licence application for a freight distribution centre in Nottinghamshire, East Midlands. The application included detailed supporting method statements.
We also produced a detailed management plan for maintaining the habitats on and surrounding the site for great crested newts.
We were contracted to carry out this work by an ecological consultancy in 2008.
The works went ahead in 2009.
Assistance with EPS Mitigation Licences:
If you suspect there are great crested newts on or near to your proposed development site, hire us to conduct a survey for you. We can ensure the report submitted with your planning application is robust and provides the appropriate level of data and proportionate recommendations. We have the skills and experience conduct a great crested newt survey, following standard methodologies. Our team all hold Natural England survey licences for a number of protected species. We’re happy to work throughout the UK.
Telephone: 01684 540695
E-mail: info@umassociates.co.uk