Ecological Assessments for Mineral Work Extensions at Quarries in Nottinghamshire

Ecological Assessment conducted at two quarries in Nottinghamshire

In 2008, Udall-Martin Associates conducted ecological assessments for the extension of quarry workings involving gravel and sandstone extraction at Bestwood II Quarry and Lound Quarry in Nottinghamshire, East Midlands.

We carried out Extended Phase-1 habitat surveys at both sites and further Phase-2 survey (water vole survey at Lound Quarry) for initial tree felling and soil stripping works.

Work conducted for an ecological company in 2008.

Hire Udall-Martin Associates to conduct an ecological assessment:

Hire our specialist consultants to provide ecological advice for your development. We have the skills and experience to provide a wide range of ecological services. We’re happy to work with clients in the Nottinghamshire area, or from further afield. Contact us now to discuss your project:

T: 01684 540695