Planning Applications
Udall-Martin Associates work includes ecological input into the planning process. From initial ecological assessments/appraisals and protected species surveys of the proposed development site for the planning application stage through to designing and implementing ecological mitigation and compensation works to satisfy planning conditions.
The initial ecological assessment/appraisal (comprising an Extended Phase-1 habitat survey/ecological walk-over survey and desk study) provides early warning of the potential ecological issues that need to be considered. This will help inform decision-making regarding development programme and design. This survey will determine if any other Phase-2 protected species surveys will be required.
The local planning authority (LPA) will generally stipulate that an initial Extended Phase-1 habitat survey is carried out at the proposed development site to support the planning application for the development.
Desk Study
Carrying out a desk study is standard practice as part of the initial ecological assessment/appraisal of the proposed development site. The desk study involves consultation with statutory and non-statutory nature conservation organisations and local biological records centres and a review of websites such as the Multi-Agency Geographic Information (Magic) website and the National Biodiversity Network (nbn) Gateway website, to provide any previous information of designated nature conservation sites (such as nationally important Sites of Special Scientific Interest, SSSI and county important Local Wildlife Sites, LWS) and records of protected species for the development site and vicinity.
Extended Phase-1 Habitat Survey
An Extended Phase-1 habitat survey of a proposed development site will identify the Phase-1 habitat types on the site and whether any rare or notable habitats are present. Notes are made on the structure and composition of habitats. Target notes are used to record any habitats or features of particular interest and any sightings, signs or evidence of protected or notable faunal species or any potential habitat for such species, such as amphibians including great crested newt, badger, bats, nesting birds and reptiles. Any non-native, invasive plant species such as Japanese knotweed and Himalayan balsam are noted.
The ideal time to carry out an Extended Phase-1 habitat survey is during the plant growing season (i.e. April-September) and this is also when faunal species are active. The survey can be carried out outside the plant growing season as although plants may not be readily apparent, the vegetative growth including seed heads are generally still visible and can be identified by an experienced surveyor and used to make reliable judgments about the quality and composition of habitats.
Ecological Assessment/Appraisal Report
We have considerable experience in producing ecological assessment/appraisal reports for proposed developments sites suitable for planning applications. The report includes the ecological baseline information (comprising desk study data and the results of the Extended Phase-1 habitat survey/ecological walk-over survey), an assessment of the ecological value of the site, a summary of the potential impacts (negative and positive, i.e. constraints and opportunities) of the development on the ecology of the site and recommendations for mitigation, compensation, enhancement and further Phase-2 ecological/protected species surveys, as appropriate. Maps for the reports are produced in a standard computer graphics software package.
Our Experience
Udall-Martin Associates is a specialist ecological consultancy. The ecology team has the skills and experience in carrying out Extended Phase-1 habitat surveys and ecological walk-over surveys following standard methodologies and producing ecological assessment/appraisal reports to accompany planning applications. We also design and implement ecological mitigation and compensation measures on-site to satisfy both planning authorities and statutory nature conservation organisations. Read more about Udall-Martin Associates here.
We have carried out numerous Extended Phase-1 habitat surveys and ecological walk-over surveys for a wide variety of clients and projects including for school projects, residential developments, mineral workings, pipelines and wind farms. Examples of our previous projects can be found on our Projects Page.
Contact Us
If you require an Extended Phase-1 habitat survey or ecological walk-over survey of your proposed development site, please contact us to provide advice and quotation.
Udall-Martin Associates work throughout the UK and extensively in the West Midlands (Birmingham, Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire and Worcestershire), East Midlands (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, Leicestershire and Rutland), South West (Gloucestershire, Somerset, Dorset and Devon), South East (Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire) and throughout Wales.
Discuss your project with us by calling 01684 540695 and we will provide specialist advice and quotations. We are offer a quality service at competitive rates.