Great Crested Newt Survey

Great Crested Newt Survey

It may only be the start of the New Year, but before you know it spring will be upon us and the great crested newt survey season will start in earnest. The great crested newt survey period is mid-March to mid-June. Udall-Martin Associates have carried out numerous great crested newt surveys throughout the UK, including Derbyshire, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Leicestershire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire and North Wales.

Our great crested newt surveys are carried out by our Natural England/Natural Resources Wales licensed ecologists according to current best practice/standard survey guidelines. Also, our great crested newt mitigation and compensation works follow the great crested newt mitigation guidelines as set out by Natural England.

Great Crested Newt Surveys Projects

In 2016 Udall-Martin Associates completed a great crested newt mitigation project for a school site on the Isle of Anglesey. We found a medium population of great crested newts in two ponds in 2015, produced a great crested newt survey report for the planning application stage and obtained a Natural Resources Wales European Protected Species mitigation licence for great crested newt surveys to allow the development works to proceed whilst meeting wildlife legislation. We carried out the on-site mitigation works as per the EPS mitigation licence involving installing specialist amphibian fencing and pitfall traps and carrying out a capture and translocation exercise. Internal drift fencing has now been removed, whilst the semi-permanent perimeter fencing will remain for the duration of the construction period to ensure no great crested newts enter the development site. A new great crested newt pond and hibernaculum were created in the receptor site directly adjacent to the school site. Further habitat creation is proposed for the school site involving wildflower grassland, species-rich hedgerows and native tree and shrub planting. This project will provide great biodiversity benefits and also provide an excellent educational resource for the school.

Natural England state that four great crested newt surveys need to be carried out between mid-March and mid-June, with two visits between mid-April and mid-May. Night-time weather temperatures need to be above 5 degrees Celsius for surveys. Natural England also stipulate that ponds within 250-500m from the proposed development should be surveyed; however, this depends on whether great crested newts were present within a pond(s) that the proposed development works would  adversely affect the newt population.

Udall-Martin Associates provide a pragmatic and practical approach and works closely with our clients and Natural England/Natural Resources Wales to ensure proportionate mitigation and compensation is recommended.

Great crested newts are European Protected Species and therefore the animal and their habitats are fully protected by law. Great crested newts are fully protected from disturbance, harm, injury and killing, whilst their habitat (breeding and terrestrial habitats) are fully protected from loss, damage and destruction. The early detection of great crested on or in the close vicinity of the proposed development site (if present) can save costly delays to the works programme.

Udall-Martin Associates can provide for all your great crested newt needs. Call us today on 01684 540695 for a quotation or advice. We would be happy to assist with your planning application, satisfying planning conditions and/or obtaining a European Protected Species mitigation licence.